Progetti internazionali
IIS CIAMPINI BOCCARDO is in Novi Ligure (north of Italy), a town of almost 28.000 inhabitants, well-known for its eighteenth century painted palaces, for its chocolate production, for the commercial fair held in November, for once being the sight of the World Bike Champion Fausto Coppi.
Nearby one can visit Cesare Pavese’s Monferrato and the wineyard lands, Acqui with its sulphureus springs, the Cistercian Abbey of Rivalta Scrivia, the natural riserva of the Scrivia river, the Medieval Fort of Gavi and the modern Outlet in Serravalle Scrivia.
Not to mention Turin with the Egyptian Museum or the Cinema Museum, or Milan or Genua being Novi Ligure situated in the triangle of the 3 cities.
The two school buildings are situated in the town-centre, quite close to the bus and railway station; one of the recently restored buildings was formerly barracks, with a wide planted yard and two gyms. The vocational school, in the main boulevard, was previously the municipal library.
The IIS has several courses: Administration and Marketing, Agriculture and Farming, Commercial Services, Electronics and Automation, Environmental Biology/ Health Care Biology, Gastronomy and Hotel Accomodation, Mechanics and Mechatronics and Tourism; evening courses in Mechanics, Commercial Services and Gastronomy. IIS has afternoon courses in computer science, PET, FIRST, DELF exam preparation, chess, robotics and music, etc.
At the end of any course a student can apply for University. The IIS is partner of the provincial pole IFTS for logistics and is recognized an authorized seat for ECDL exams; it is a regional seat for vocational education and has had an IFTS course for Food technicians. The school opens from 7:30 am to 11:00 pm.
IIS has 1,300 students, 170 teachers, 40 employers. The students’ age ranges from 14 to 18/19.
IIS has updated chemical, physics, informatics, mechanical and electronic laboratories with its specialized laboratories carrying out analysis for outer clients.
IIS CIAMPINI BOCCARDO was sending partners in 2010 in the Comenius - 2010-1 BE3-COMO6-023127 “COMMON GOODS and PEACE”, Leonardo da Vinci in 2010 – LLP-LDV-IVT-09-IT-0038 “ PASS for JOB”; in LDV 2012-1-IT1-LEO01-02490 “RE-ENERGY”; in LDV 2012-1-IT-1-LEO01-02749 “G.S.E.”; VETPRO 2012 and 2013 “MEET and ROUTES” during which the staff has taken part in ECVET training activities at home and abroad.
The staff has also taken part in the “Training and Employment Innovation Programme-FIXO School and University” sponsored by the MInistry of Labour and Social Policy, with the support of the Ministry of Education, University and Research, with the aim to reduce the time of entry into the labour market for post-graduates, to reorganize the services of guidance and mediation, as well as promoting active policy measures. Project duration: July 2011-December 2013.
Furthermore, the staff has participated to the project “ Young People Work – I begin from myself”, sponsored by the Province of Alessandria, producing video, CV with students of classes III-IV-V and has also followed the project “Your Idea of Enterprise-GOLD BUBBLES…”, promoted by Confindustria, with students of classes IV and V, in simulation of micro entrepreneurships in collaboration with local companies in the wine industry and its suppliers. The project, in sinergy with the territory and its traditions has involved the marketing of the products also to the cross-border markets of sparkling wine in bottles 250ml.; the creation of a website, article marketing, blogs and social networks.
IIS Ciampini Boccardo has been working for long on the topic of alternation School/Training, promoting a continuous and active cooperation with the hosting companies.
Nourishing deep conviction that the exercise of active citizenship is workable out through students exchanges within projects with the Partner Schools, IIS promotes and supports their organization. IIS supports internships abroad under EU projects, former Leonardo da Vinci and Erasmus KA1VET, focused on the promotion and implementation of knowledge, skills and attitudes of the individual falling in the full perspective of lifelong learning.
The staff has participated in two VETPRO, “MEET” and “ROUTES” where they focused the ECVET procedure for validation and certification of transnational informal education credits. In this area has enabled contacts with the Ministry of Education, (USR Piedmont) so to validate and recognize the mobility experience through ECVET.
Another project IIS has never renounced is the one planned by FONDAZIONE CRT, an Italian private non-profit organisation. Its projects and resources target various sectors: from the preservation and promotion of the artistic heritage and cultural activities to scientific research; from education and training to health care and assistance for vulnerable social groups; from civil protection and environmental safeguard to innovation in local institutions and support of economic development.
Despite being rooted in its traditional area of intervention – which covers the Italian regions of Piedmont and the Aosta Valley - Fondazione CRT also looks beyond its historical boundaries at other national and international non-profit models and experiences.
The activities of Fondazione CRT can be grouped into three macro areas, where it operates through inhouse projects and ad-hoc operating tools:
- Arts and Culture
- Research and Education
- Welfare and Environment
The Research and Education sector includes funding and projects devoted to education, training, scientific and technological research. The main help given to the best young people from Piedmont and the Aosta Valley comes from the different components of project “Talenti”.
The call for proposals “Talenti Neodiplomati” offers threemonth internships all over the world to students from secondary schools. TALENTI NEODIPLOMATI Fondazione CRT issues an annual “Talenti Neodiplomati” call for proposals, which allows approximately 400 young people from about 70 schools of Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta to experience a three-month internship in Europe.
The annual commitment of the Fondazione CRT is over €1.65 million euros.
The "Talenti Neodiplomati" call aims to support projects from Italian High Schools of Piedmont and Aosta Valley regions. Each participating school has the possibility to organize a total of 3 to 9 postgraduate internships with European destinations. The mobility experience takes place at the end of the school year, shortly after high school graduation; the departure usually takes place between the month of July and the month ofSeptember. Fondazione CRT’s funds are intended to cover the students’ living expenses abroad and are directly managed by each school. The schools select the candidates among their final year students and take care of all aspects of their stay abroad. In this context, each school chooses one or more European partner institution, which collaborates in organizing the various aspects of the experience, from the internship to the accommodation and tutorship. Since 2004, the aim of Talenti Neodiplomati has been to strengthen the independence of young people, to provide a useful experience to orient their future career path and consolidate their intercultural approach. Talenti Neodiplomati also aims to foster the partnerships of Italian schools with European schools and institutions.
IIS CIAMPINI BOCCARDO has taken part to Talenti Neodiplomati several times, collaborating with partners from Spain, Portugal, Romania, Czech Republic.
The last experience for 9 students was in 2019 in the above mentioned countries. (see photos)
It has been a real problem to guarantee departures for our students, willing to get an amazing experience abroad. Unfortunately the “Talenti Neodiplomati” was suspended in the years 2020-2021-2022, but the school has had the opportunity to cooperate with other High Schools and Agencies for severa Erasmus projects:
- Job shadowing : accredited project for mobility of learners and staff in school education; IIS Ciampini Boccardo has become member of the Consortium USR Piedmont;
- 3-month-Internship Erasmus “Hawk3D” (Erasmus+ Action KA1) promoted by the High Secondary School “F. De Sanctis” with the partnership of the Agency 012 Factory from Caserta; it is adressed to students who took a diploma in 2021, but now also in 2022 for an internship in Germany, Spain or Malta;
- 3-month-internship “DOP Food”: an Erasmus project adressed to students with a diploma in 2021, but now also in 2022; Countries of destination: Germany, Spain, Portugal and Germany;
- 2-month-internship Erasmus “Gastrotourism”( IIS Ciampini-Boccardo has been J.P. Beccari Professional Institute’ partner for 3 years); Countries of destination: Ireland, Spain, France;
- 3/6 –month- internship Erasmus “Move On” promoted by APRO co-financed by the Erasmus European Programme; countries of internship: Spain, Malta, Sweden, Finland, France, Greece, Montenegro;
- 3-month-internship “Skills4job” promoted by EXAR SOCIAL VALUE SOLUTIONS; contries of destination: Germany, Spain, Portugal, Malta.